How CCTV Can Be Part of Your Businesses Health & Safety Procedure
CCTV has many other functions apart from the prevention of crime, one of which is Health and Safety.
So, imagine you are a business owner who owns a factory, with most of your staff working on machines. Each machine has an assigned person who has been trained in the operation of it. They know the machines capabilities and risk of serious injury. You as the business owner want to monitor a safe working environment and make sure all risks have been minimised. The use of CCTV in these circumstances can provide invaluable information following incidents and accidents. If an incident occurs and one of your employees are injured, you will want to know exactly what happened.
The Health and Safety Executive will certainly go to great lengths and detail to establish the cause of the incident. This can take a great deal of your time and your employees time, and closedown the operations resulting in loss in production. This could also impact on the supply of products to your clients, and subsequently a loss in profits.
By having a CCTV system installed with current High Definition cameras the Health and Safety Executive will come to a speedier conclusion. You, as the business owner, will also gain the knowledge to implement changes and additional staff training if required.
Other than falls from height, the second most common fatal injury occurring in the workplace is being struck by moving vehicles, followed by being struck by a moving object (HSE). Having a CCTV system designed and installed specifically to monitor your business’s areas of risk will be of great benefit should an incident occur, as well as being an asset to your company for monitoring daily operations.